As Bold As Lions Podcast
This podcast is meant to encourage, inspire, and equip you in your Christian walk. Topics are varied (marriage/family, Bible studies, examining faith-based culture including music/books/entertainment, and looking at current news and headlines in the light of the Gospel). Additional content (monthly blogs and devotional sign-up) can be found at https://derekcharlesjohnson.com/blog and https://derekcharlesjohnson.com/as-bold-as-lions.
Podcasting since 2021 • 176 episodes
As Bold As Lions Podcast
Latest Episodes
Thirsty For Living Water
In John 4, we see an encounter Jesus has with the Samaritan woman at the well. In this encounter, there is a point at which Jesus reveals Himself as the Messiah. In response to this, the woman rushes back to her village with the big...
Season 1
Episode 176

Behold, The Lamb Of God!
In John 1, we see a handoff taking place of disciples. More specifically, the disciples of John the Baptist see Jesus ("the Lamb of God") and follow after Him. The way John recounts this in his Gospel, we see no effort on the part o...
Season 1
Episode 175

How do we live out a WILD FAITH in our world?
Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Ma...
Season 1
Episode 174

What does WILD FAITH look like in our homes?
But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15Continuing on talking about "Wild Faith," the home is ground zero for where a bold faith is shaped and put on display. Homes that exhibit wild faith wi...
Season 1
Episode 173

What does it mean to have a WILD FAITH?
Whenever we put the word "wild" in front of something, we can have a certain impression because of what we perceive wild to mean. In this episode, consider a definition of wild which means "passionately eager or enthusiastic, going beyond...
Season 1
Episode 172