As Bold As Lions Podcast
As Bold As Lions Podcast
They Forgot About The Legacy
In the Book of Judges, a sad thing happens to the people of Israel; God's chosen people for His promise: they fall into sin and disobedience. After the years of being delivered, crossing the Red Sea, and even settling into the Promised Land, the people have done the very thing God warned them not to do. They fell for the gods and idols of the people who surrounded them. Into this, they ultimately forgot what God had done for them and forgot the legacy that was theirs to claim.
If we are not sharing the faith with our kids and making it a daily aspect of our lives, the steps that lead us (and them) from the Lord are not far. In one generation, faith can either be solidified and built up OR it can be torn down and dismantled. It's up to us to talk about the things of God as Moses declared in Deuteronomy 6:6-9. From there, if the generations that follow us have heard, it is their choice to listen and obey. Today's podcast takes us down this trail of thought and uses the Israelites' experience as one we can learn from.