As Bold As Lions Podcast
As Bold As Lions Podcast
The 2024 Presidential Election (Stuff That’s Been On My Mind)
Finishing up this last group of 3 episodes in this series (Stuff That's Been On My Mind), we're diving into the election. Yes it is on everyone's mind. No I don't intend to tell you who to vote for. But as a Christian, I believe we CANNOT afford to sit this one out. 2024 will have lasting implications for our country. We must pray, go to the polls, and keep praying. There are certain value voter issues that have stark contrast between the two candidates: know what Scripture says and vote those values. No matter what happens, we know God is in control and He reigns. Kings and kingdoms bow down to Him and no matter who is in the Oval Office, that office must bow to the King of kings. May this episode encourage you as a Christian and may we continue to pray for America in these days; days that are vitally important to our future existence and freedom.