As Bold As Lions Podcast
As Bold As Lions Podcast
What does it mean to have a WILD FAITH?
Whenever we put the word "wild" in front of something, we can have a certain impression because of what we perceive wild to mean. In this episode, consider a definition of wild which means "passionately eager or enthusiastic, going beyond normal or conventional bonds, and deviating from the intended or expected course." When considering all of these meanings and then applying it to our faith, we can see how God would use us in ways that take us from living in the status quo or just as a cookie-cutter Christian. In this episode, we get an idea of what Derek means when he says the phrase "wild faith" and how to apply it as Christians. Ideally, it means moving closer to God and further from this world, seeing that God is exactly Who He says He is, and that the patterns we see the faithful display in the Bible are the same patterns that we should expect today. It's a wild faith and we are called to live it!