As Bold As Lions Podcast
This podcast is meant to encourage, inspire, and equip you in your Christian walk. Topics are varied (marriage/family, Bible studies, examining faith-based culture including music/books/entertainment, and looking at current news and headlines in the light of the Gospel). Additional content (monthly blogs and devotional sign-up) can be found at https://derekcharlesjohnson.com/blog and https://derekcharlesjohnson.com/as-bold-as-lions.
As Bold As Lions Podcast
What does WILD FAITH look like in our homes?
Derek Charles Johnson
Season 1
Episode 173
But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15
Continuing on talking about "Wild Faith," the home is ground zero for where a bold faith is shaped and put on display. Homes that exhibit wild faith will look different than others on the block. Jesus will be the center and foundation of such homes. And a generational inheritance of Christ will be the mark of the sons and daughters and grandsons and granddaughters of homes built upon wild faith. Today's episode dives into this discussion and the importance of covenanting with the Lord to make Him the reason for everything we do. This faith will then shape our interaction with the world, making us bold to share the Promise that we have!